Kingdom Kulture Videos
Learn about the Kingdom and God’s true standard through these captivating visuals!
Is There Something More To Life?
Aren't you tired of being tired? Are you stuck in a job you hate and circumstances that are weighing you down? There is a way out!
Believers vs. Followers
Did you know that even the demons fell down and worshipped Jesus? Is your faith dead? Or is it shown by your actions and your fruit?
Count The Cost
Would you be willing to give up your wife, kids, job, or hobbies? Are you willing to put your wants on the back burner? Have you counted the cost of what it takes to follow Him?
Foolishness To The World
Do you claim God and seem crazy to the people around you? Did you know that wisdom to God is foolishness to the world? This video reveals the truth! Are you living an upside down life? True disciples of Jesus live life differently than everyone else in the world -- are you a disciple?
Soldiers For Christ
Are you a soldier for Christ? What are the penalties for disobedience?
Are You A Good Listener?
Can you hear but not understand? Are you a doer of the Word or just a listener?
Can I Get A Refund?
Would Jesus look at your life and ask, "Can I get a refund?"
Do You Rewrite History?
Are you ignoring the evidence of who God really is? Are you creating a "better" version of God in your head? WATCH THIS VIDEO TO FIND OUT MORE!
Have We Been Saved By Our Seat?
Did Jesus give up His heavenly throne for us to just "have a seat?"
Aren't You Lucky?
Aren't we lucky that we don't have to go through what the disciples went through in the Bible? Or do we have it all wrong? Make sure to subscribe to our channel, visit our Instagram, Facebook, and website for full devotionals!
Next, Please!
Do we switch up Jesus Christ's true message the way we change the radio station?
Count Your Blessings
Are cars, houses and jobs the types of things that Jesus would consider "blessings?"
Why Are You So Sure?
Are you 100% convinced of your salvation, but not living like the disciples in the Bible? Why are you so sure that you're going to heaven?
Is He Worth It?
Would you be willing to give up everything to have a true relationship with God? If this was the standard for the disciples in the Bible, why would it be different for us, today?
Do You Need Cancer?
Do you need to receive a terminal cancer diagnosis for you to start taking God seriously?
No More Lies
Is God really speaking to you, or are you talking to yourself, instead? If God isn’t speaking to you, why lie and say that He is?
What Language Do You Speak?
What are you willing to do to learn the language of the Kingdom?
The disciples had to become full-time students under Jesus to learn the language of the Kingdom of Heaven. Would you be able to be Jesus’ student, or would he kick you out of His classroom?
Are You Balding?
What are you willing to do to learn the language of the Kingdom?
Are you trying to cover up “bald spots” in your relationship with God? Are you trying to use a “comb-over,” instead of just facing the truth about where you stand with Him? Why not just admit the truth?
Why Bother?
Why are we bothering to drag people along a narrow, difficult road to following God? Are we trying to convince others to follow God, or are we really trying to convince ourselves? If Jesus didn’t beg and plead people to follow Him, why would we?
Success Outside Your Comfort Zone
Are you comfortable or uncomfortable in your walk with Christ?
If you’re following Jesus and you’ve never stepped outside of your comfort zone, are you truly following Him?
The Truth About You
Do you have lots of friends who are lukewarm for God? Have you ever thought that if you’re hanging around people who are lukewarm for God, that you are lukewarm, too?
The Truth About the War in Ukraine
How could we see if there’s a war brewing outside if there’s already a war inside of us? Are the desires of this world creating a war inside of you?